Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Fashionably Late

Sorry it's been so long.  A month?  Really?  It feels like the time just flew by and boy have I been busy!  I don't know if I mentioned (for the sake of those reading this who don't know me in RL) that on top of the massive amount of knitting I get done I also work a full time job.  That plus the 5 knitting classes I've been taking has been keeping me uber busy.  How does she have time for it all you ask?  I don't clean my house.  I'm not kidding.  Knitting is my life, hardcore.

I took a few shots of the projects I've been making so far for my classes.  I've learned to make socks and mittens from hand measurements and how to make appropriately matching increases and decreases in a pattern, a beautiful button hole, how to knit with the yarn in both hands for stranded knitting, and a plethora of other yarny skills.  It's been a blast!

Admittedly, I did know how to do a fair number of the skills taught in the classes before hand, just from the number and variety of projects I'd completed on my own, but even those skills I've been able to tighten up.  It's great to have a fresh pair of eyes looking at your work to see things you just look over after so long.   For example, when I saw "ssk" in a pattern previously, I always just slipped the next stitch purl-wise, knit the stitch after, then slipped the first stitch over the second.  This left loose, ugly stitches on my left leaning increases and were super noticeable on a sweater.

Now I have always done this and I probably misread the instructions for this increase when looking it up over the internet or in a book the first time and I'm sure I just never questioned that I wasn't doing it right, but it did frustrate me how ugly it was.  Then I go to class and find out that's not how you do a ssk at all!  What?!  Really?!  Turns out you're meant to slip the next stitch knit-wise, twisting the stitch, then move it back to the left needle where you'll knit the two together through the back loop.  It seems like such a tiny change, but it's made a HUGE difference in my knitting.  I've documented this for your viewing pleasure.

So yes, I'm dropping a pretty penny and quite a bit of time, but it's worth every penny and every minute to me.  On top of all the fantastic instruction, it's been great just to get out there and meet new people who enjoy the same things I do.  Picking up tips and tricks from each other has proved just as educational as the classes themselves and the enthusiasm in that room permeates through the rest of my week.

Click to check out my Ravelry project pages: "7 Things" baby cardigan, Alice Starmore Fair Isle Mittens,  Fittin' Mittens recipe by Nancy Lindberg, Knit to Fit Socks recipe by Nancy Lindberg, and the start of my first official cowl design (!!! :D)

I've still got a little bit of homework before I can have my projects inspected for the program (buttons for the cardigan, a thumb for my fair isle mitten, etc), but completing these have given me the oppertunity to finally start the most recent Supernatural Mystery Knit A Long: Fight the Fairies!  I was seriously chomping at the bit to get onto that one- but being a mystery and all, I can't show you pictures just yet.

I will tell you there's a TON of beads on this thing and it's super frustrating when you find you made a mistake 3 rows back which threw off your count, the whole look of the shawl, and you now have to rip back those three rows (two of which were beaded).  *sigh*  I had a real "I should have listened to my mother" moment along with not a few curses.  She always scolds me and reminds me that I should be counting my stitches every row, but I'm a glutton for punishment.  After staying up all night last night, I'm back on track and ready to start this weeks clue (3 of 5).  It also helps that I've got the next season of Daredevil on Netflix to binge watch while I'm at it!

Also still on the needles is my "Choose Your Muppet!" project.  I'm really disappointed in myself that this has taken the back burner, especially considering it's a cold weather garment and lately it's been too warm so I might not get to wear it till next year.  When all my travel friendly homework has been done, I've been using this as my purse project (yes, I keep emergency knitting in my purse) and generally getting a row or two done on my lunch break or standing in line, etc.  Sadly, I found I had made a big mistake about 75% of the way through, so I had to rip out about a ton of stitches.  In wanting to keep this project a surprise, I'll have to save the details for the reveal, but at least I'm back on my way again and still confident I'll be done for the March 31 deadline.

I'm working on starting up a Ravelry group and I've been thinking about trying to start a podcast.  As much as I like the blog, podcasting is what I've really been wanting to do but editing video seems like a daunting task.  I'm starting to do a little research and learning the ropes, so hopefully I'll have both going soon.  Although, I'm probably biting off a lot doing this at the same time as classes, so I'll be taking my time with it.

What grand adventures have you been on since we last met?  I'd love to hear from you!

Hope to see you soon,

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